A Step By Step Guide for Setting Up Your First Look

Step 1:

Access the Shop The Look app from the Shopify Admin

Go to Apps

Open the Shop The Look app

Step 2:

Navigate to the Looks tab from the top navigation. Select the "New Look" button

Step 3:

You’ll be redirected to the Look Editor where you can select the following options:

  • First, you're going to want to select the main product

Second, you'll select individual products or products from a specific collection that will be offered for upselling

Step 4:

Once you’re done with the product selections, press the “Save Look“ button from the bottom right.

Step 5:

The last step is to review how this looks on your store. Go to "Look list" and select "View in store."

For a more visually guided walkthrough of the above steps, please watch the guided video:

If the look isn’t appearing in your store, contact support immediately so we can resolve this with you. This issue can be related to a conflict with the theme. Our goal is always to ensure your success so you can start benefitting from upsells on your Shopify store today! 😊

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